Predicting the impact of nature. Find out how here.

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World Weather Inc.’s goals are the same for each sector of the business, and that is to save money for our clients. Our commitment is to provide the best possible weather information and how it affects our clients. This commitment is based on many years of experience and knowledge so that its customers can spend less time distracted by weather-related business decisions and more time planning on how to react to forecasted weather conditions. Whether the customer is a farmer, broker, truck driver, shipper of international goods, energy company, a buyer of grain, oilseeds, cotton or other soft commodities, or a food processing company, World Weather, Inc. is committed to providing accurate forecasts of both short and long term periods to support key business decisions.

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The Art ofWeather Forecasting

ww_map-graphicsAccurate forecasting has to start with good basic science and understanding the physics of the air. Without a full understanding of how the atmosphere works, weather forecasters are bound to fail periodically in predicting the various trends. With more than 50 years of on-staff experience, World Weather, Inc. has learned that forecasting the weather is sometimes a bit of art as well as science.

The science is needed to understand how the atmosphere works. It is needed to know if it can rain and if so how much and when. The science is also needed to determine the potential for severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, big wind events and more. Studying the climate over the years has revealed many patterns that play out in the atmosphere. Some of the patterns are short term and others long term. Each of the weather patterns seems to have some degree of repetition. Understanding the recurrence of a particular weather cycle is pertinent in long range forecasting.

The art in weather forecasting comes from each meteorologist’s need to assess the prevailing weather patterns to determine which are cyclical and which are not and then determining which pattern will be the dominant one in any given season or year. It takes a great deal of experience in forecasting and assessing world weather before a meteorologist can feel comfortable knowing and understanding the various weather patterns that are present. Once that experience has been attained repeating weather trends and patterns are more easily identified. Then making the long range forecast accurate comes down to knowing how each cyclical weather pattern behaves separately and then how each will interact with other weather patterns that are prevailing at the same time.

World Weather, Inc. has the proven experience to identify long term trends and the expertise of being able to combine weather patterns to determine the most likely outcome for weather trends many days, weeks, months and perhaps years into the future.



Staff TradingRestrictions

World Weather, Inc. prides itself as being unbiased in its weather forecasts. In order to protect the purity of its forecasts and to assure customers get an unbiased opinion about the weather and its potential impact, none of the World Weather, Inc. staff is allowed to trade commodity futures. Any employee found to be in a conflict of interest situation with World Weather, Inc. customers will be relieved of his/her position.