Collaboration andConsultation Services
No first rate weather service company can exist without consultation services. Weather impacts world commerce every day of the week all year long and the impact of weather can be quite traditional or very unusual. Our team of expert meteorologists can provide collaborative services for any individual or business no matter what the interest is.
Consulting services are tailor-made to the customer. Some only need weather advice occasionally and others need it every day. Some of the advantage of consulting with a meteorologist frequently is that the subscriber can get to know the forecaster and over time will be able to read confidence levels in the verbally expressed forecast through varying voice tones. More importantly, by consulting with a forecaster the customer’s personal or business needs can be met when those needs do not necessarily fall in a pre-determined weather product mold.
In additional to the standard consultation services, World Weather, Inc. also provides daily weather broadcasts for radio, private networks and podcasts for Internet websites. Webinar services are available as well as teleconferencing and World Weather, Inc. is frequently on the go presenting PowerPoint presentations to important business and farming groups interested in how weather will impact their future business decisions.
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