Canadian Prairies Weather Service is designed for Canada’s Prairie Provinces. The product provides a detailed seven day outlook for the prairie; including temperatures, precipitation and wind information along with an assessment of how the weather will be impacting on-farm activity during the forecast period. The intention of this product is to provide an assessment of weather and crop conditions as they pertain to the producer’s need for routine and seasonal field working activities. The product will provide an expert assessment of when weather conditions will be best for spraying, planting, harvesting and/or fertilizer application. Specific time periods of when rain will begin and end and a more detailed assessment of the areas most likely to see the greatest rainfall are singled out each day in an attempt to provide a higher level of weather coverage designed for daily and weekly on farm business decision making.
In addition to the daily (Monday through Friday) forecast product World Weather, Inc. provides a periodic assessment of crop and field conditions in a newsletter format entitled “The Canadian Agriculture Weather Prognosticator”. This periodic newsletter contains a summary of recent past weather events that have had an impact on the Prairies agriculture . A forecast for the next 30- and 60-day periods will often be presented in “The Canadian Agriculture Weather Prognosticator” along with special situation news articles pertaining to significant weather events outside of Canada that either have had or soon will have influence on world commodity trade prices.
These two weather products are designed to work together to provide producers, traders, merchandisers, analysts and news reporters the most complete assessment of weather conditions across the Prairies. The product should prove to be all inclusive of the details necessary to be successful in agricultural business and trade decisions.
The Fees for Canadian Prairies Weather Service” are USD $35/month. The service runs from April 1 through October 31 and for subscribers who have paid in full, the service will be continued without further charge in November in those years where harvesting is running extremely late. To subscribe to the service you can go online to www.worldweather.cc and click on “Canadian Prairie Weather” and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Then select the date range in which you would like to subscribe and click on “pay now”. The rest will be self-explanatory.
You can also pay by check if you request an invoice and make payments in U.S. dollars. To request an invoice for payment send an email to www.worldweather.cc. Wire and electronic transfers can be made either through PayPal.com or through your bank. To receive World Weather, Inc. bank transfer account information, send an email requesting the same to www.worldweather.cc.
Register your monthly subscription now or save over 40% with a yearly subscription!