Market WeatherAdvantage
Market Weather Advantage is designed to provide a daily (6 days per week), two-week weather outlook for every major agricultural region in the world. The forecast includes South America, India, Australia, the United States, Europe, the Former Soviet Union (Commonwealth of Independent States) Africa, China, Indonesia, Malaysia and many other areas.
Market Weather Advantage is designed to support producers, traders, merchandisers, shippers and food companies in their need to profit from changing weather conditions and potential agricultural production issues.
The knowledge of these potential changes will help subscribers complete successful market trades and/or to be adequately prepared for changes in supply and demand. Changing weather conditions in each of the major agricultural areas in the world have a direct influence on both the cash and futures prices of many commodities. In an average year weather will lead speculative market trade multiple times and quite often rumors about the weather in the market can create great confusion in the direction of future supply and that impacts future prices, as well. World Weather, Inc. promises its customers to clarify the changing conditions so that better business decisions can be made to save money.
Market Weather Advantage is an email only service. Subscribers are usually only interested in a brief summary of weather from around the world each day. This product does not include access to our weather website, long range (seasonal) forecasts, or any of our special situation articles, but it is designed to provide a clear direction in what is the most important weather issue of the day in each major agricultural area in the world. World Weather, Inc. strongly suggests a subscription to Market Weather Advantage Plus for a more complete weather product designed for full profitability in weather related business decisions around the world.
World Weather, Inc. has over 50 years of combined forecasting experience internationally. Our experience and knowledge of the impacts of weather on most industries puts us well ahead of the competition. The experience also helps tremendously in providing the most accurate weather predictions possible. None of the World Weather, Inc. staff is allowed to trade commodity futures keeping our forecasts totally unbiased giving subscribers the best possible outlook based purely on weather conditions with no influence from market positions or daily changes in market valuations.
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