Daily WeatherAssessments
The daily weather assessments include comments about rainfall that occurred overnight or during the weekend and how that and temperatures likely impacted crop and field conditions. The daily assessments also provide a very detailed two week weather outlook for each production region in the world. The daily forecasts are updated six days a week and can sometimes lead the market into different directions.
In today’s information savvy world, reaction to weather changes or weather events can occur in seconds. World Weather Inc. tries to keep its subscribers aware of pending weather issues long in advance of their occurrence. The daily weather products are designed to lead its users into better determining how the weather will influence commerce on any particular day. Each daily weather assessment for all regions in the world include our blue highlighted text that will always lead readers to a bottom line impact of the day’s weather on various markets. The blue highlighted text usually contains the “bottom line” most important information needed for weather business decisions.
Weekly WeatherAssessments
These weekly assessments of weather and crop conditions are designed for clarity. Sometimes the day to day weather varies so much that it is hard to get a good handle on the bottom line impact on production potentials. The weekly weather assessments take out the “noise” of daily weather fluctuations and allow the subscriber a chance to evaluate the impact of recent weather from a slightly different perspective. The weekly weather assessments are crop specific assessments. Each day of the week a weekly assessment will be made to one crop type. The weekly assessments include wheat (small grains), corn (coarse grains), cotton, rice, oilseeds and other soft commodity crops. A weekly assessment is also produced for Florida and Sao Paulo, Brazil citrus production.
Collaboration andConsultation Services
No first rate weather service company can exist without consultation services. Weather impacts world commerce every day of the week all year long and the impact of weather can be quite traditional or very unusual. Our team of expert meteorologists can provide collaborative services for any individual or business no matter what the interest is.
Consulting services are tailor-made to the customer. Some only need weather advice occasionally and others need it every day. Some of the advantage of consulting with a meteorologist frequently is that the subscriber can get to know the forecaster and over time will be able to read confidence levels in the verbally expressed forecast through varying voice tones. More importantly, by consulting with a forecaster the customer’s personal or business needs can be met when those needs do not necessarily fall in a pre-determined weather product mold.
Special WeatherSituation Stories
By far, the single most important part of the weather services that World Weather, Inc. provides is its special weather situation stories. These are weather issues that will drive long term commodity prices and will determine future trends in crop production and basic supply and demand.
The special weather situation stories are written a few times per week. It is in this portion of our weather service that the subscriber will find our long range (seasonal) weather outlooks and special reports on potentially damaging crop weather or energy related events. Detailed reports on the progress of the Indian Monsoon, assessments of crop moisture and temperature across key crop areas like South America, China or Australia and special coverage of every significant tropical cyclone in the world is provided here.